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Kids radicalized by only a game?

Kids radicalized by only a game?

Kids radicalized by only a game?

By Molly Loe

December 12, 2023

Originally Published Here


Investigations center on gaming platforms like Roblox.

According to the Australian Federal Police, Australian children are being targeted by extremists who are infiltrating online gaming platforms.

Looking for support online, ideologically and religiously motivated extremists often use gaming platforms to meet individuals who can be manipulated.

"These extremist groups and individuals are using these gaming and online platforms as a mode to transmit violent material and propaganda, across a range of extremist ideologies."

Australian Federal Police warn of Trojan horse games.

At the time, the Australian Federal Police said their concern was that "Extremist groups are exploiting these platforms to target a very young group of Australia's population, by creating content to share and encourage far-right/extremist ideologies and abhorrent violence against others."

The Australian Federal Police link gaming platforms to radicalization.


Loe, M. (2023, December 12). Can the australian federal police tackle gaming radicalization?. TechHQ. https://techhq.com/2023/12/what-does-australian-federal-police-rise-in-children-radicalized-online-mean/