There’s No Dodge Button for Disinformation
There’s No Dodge Button for Disinformation
There’s No Dodge Button for Disinformation
By Joshua Foust
June 18, 2024
The U.S. State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) is exploring video games as a tool to combat disinformation by funding a $1 million proposal for a game on sandbox platforms like Fortnite. This game aims to build cognitive resilience against authoritarianism and promote democratic values by leveraging prebunking—preemptively educating people about disinformation. While the concept draws on the idea that games can teach rule-based systems and resilience, its success hinges on creating engaging, enjoyable experiences. Previous efforts to use serious games for policy and education face challenges in balancing effectiveness with player enjoyment.
Foust, J. (2024, June 18). There’s no dodge button for disinformation. Foreign Policy.