5 Fundamental Principles for Developing Educational Games
5 Fundamental Principles for Developing Educational Games
5 Fundamental Principles for Developing Educational Games
By Neil J. Lambert
April 11, 2024
Tabletop games like Monopoly and Catan remain popular for their novelty and social interaction, and educational games are also gaining traction due to their ability to enhance motivation and engagement. While existing games offer numerous benefits, they may not always align with specific learning outcomes. Therefore, creating custom educational games can better address these needs. Essential elements in developing such games include defining clear learning outcomes, selecting an appropriate game type (e.g., cards or board), setting a clear objective, designing engaging mechanics, and establishing fair rules. These components help create a compelling and relevant learning experience, fostering deeper student engagement and enjoyment.
Lambert, N. J. (2024, April 11). 5 fundamental principles for developing educational games. Harvard Business School Publishing. https://hbsp.harvard.edu/inspiring-minds/5-fundamental-principles-for-developing-educational-games