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Exploring The Untapped Potential Of Skill-Based Gaming

Exploring The Untapped Potential Of Skill-Based Gaming

Exploring The Untapped Potential Of Skill-Based Gaming

By Nadav Brandstater

January 18, 2023

Originally Published Here


Success in skill-based gaming is determined by a player's physical skills, such as reaction or dexterity, or mental skills, like logic and knowledge.

Examples of skill-based games include Solitaire Cash and Bubble Cash from Papaya Gaming.

There are six significant market changes that will see skill-based gaming grow over the coming years.

More Games: Four years ago, skill-based gaming consisted mostly of solitaire.

In the coming years, skill-based gaming will include the full gaming spectrum, from AAA games to hyper-casual.

Gaming giants including Ubisoft, EA, Square Enix and Sega have started developing games with NFT rewards at the core of the gameplay.

In the end, skill-based games are more similar to other forms of gaming than you may think.


Brandstater, N. (2023, January 18). Council post: Exploring the untapped potential of skill-based gaming. Forbes. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/01/18/exploring-the-untapped-potential-of-skill-based-gaming/