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How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

By Josh Bycer

November 21, 2022

Originally Published Here


They go together when it comes to analyzing the difficulty of a game and it's very hard to actually make something hard.

Some people can only relax if a game is testing them every which way, and there are others who just want to breeze through a game and treat it as an extended movie or TV show.

For games designed around reflex-driven gameplay, if you want the game to resonate with fans, then there must be some meat on the gameplay bone for them.

For people reviewing games, you cannot accurately grade a game on the quality of its gameplay if you play it on the easiest settings and never touch the harder ones.

Good difficulty design is about starting from a benchmark for what level you expect people to play the game at and then pushing things lower and higher to accommodate different players.

A lot of designers think that if something takes longer to kill, or kills the player faster, then the game must be harder; conversely, if the player has more health and does more damage then the game is easier.

Trying to make a game that appeals to everyone is often a fool's errand, as no game will have 100% approval no matter what you do.


Bycer, J. (2022, November 20). How to study hard gameplay and Game Design. SUPERJUMP. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from https://www.superjumpmagazine.com/how-to-study-hard-gameplay-and-game-design/