Gaming Vignettes Support Teaching Gender-Affirming Care
Gaming Vignettes Support Teaching Gender-Affirming Care
Gaming Vignettes Support Teaching Gender-Affirming Care
October 10, 2022
By Bethany Cieslowski
LGBTQ2+ people face notable health disparities and nurses can help improve care and access by providing inclusive, non-judgmental, gender-affirming care.
As defined by the World Health Organization, gender-affirming health care attends to transgender individuals' hormonal, surgical, medical, mental, and social health needs while respectfully affirming their gender identity.
"The call for action to improve care for LGBTQ2+ people requires nurse educators to introduce curriculum that integrates the barriers to care with the effects of bias and discrimination in the patient/clinician relationship," said Landis.
"Using gaming vignettes and simulations can be a great way to introduce students to gender-affirming care and help them approach scenarios from the point of the patient."
In a post-teaching intervention survey, students stated that visuals from gaming vignettes were helpful in understanding the concept of gender-affirming care and providing it.
The short simulation vignettes covered using chosen name and pronouns during care, the effects of bias and discrimination in the patient/clinician relationship, and the role of electronic health records in gender-affirming care.
"The scenarios highlighted barriers to care for LGBTQ2+ patients and exemplified action steps a health care professional could take to partner with the patient."
Cieslowski, B. (2022, October 17). Gaming vignettes support teaching gender-affirming care. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from