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Your Gaming Skills Can Help You Shape Your Career

Your Gaming Skills Can Help You Shape Your Career

Your Gaming Skills Can Help You Shape Your Career

By Igor Tulchinsky

March 30, 2023

Originally Published Here


At the time, they couldn't know the way gaming would help sculpt my brain, life, and future career.

Numerous peer-reviewed studies have shown the benefits of gaming - whether it's better spatial awareness, faster cognitive processing, or improved mental health, social skills, and decision-making capabilities.

On a more personal level, I also believe that immersing myself in the world of video games prepared me in unique and important ways for my subsequent career at the intersection of technology and high finance.

Here are some of the key lessons that my transition from one career to another taught me, and suggestions for how you too can harness the unique skills and lessons gaming has taught you to shape your future working life.

I've made many transitions in my career, constantly searching for a place to work that really recognized the value of my skills - many of which I gained by playing video games.

You get to shape worlds when you're designing games, narrowing from infinite possibilities down to a handful, picking your way along endlessly branching binomial trees.

What skills might the manager of a baseball team deploy? Or a firefighter? Or a cardiologist? Try imagining that your job is a video game - how would the gamer in you tackle this problem?


Tulchinsky, I. (2023, March 30). Your gaming skills can help you shape your career. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2023/03/your-gaming-skills-can-help-you-shape-your-career