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Can we Train Yomi through Learning Games?

Can we Train Yomi through Learning Games?

Can we Train Yomi through Learning Games?

By Sarah Le-Fevre

May 5, 2022

Originally Published Here


"The term is particularly applied to fighting games, and Sirlin's card game simulates a fight between two characters, similar to games like Street Fighter.

While the characters in the game are fighters, this game is far more about mind games than combat.

In games where more information is revealed, Yomi is also derived from the information that is in front of you.

The idea of 'moves' and 'countermoves' implies a competitive combat game, and Yomi is often discussed in terms of these kinds of games, but this kind of anticipation is also a feature of other kinds of games, even those which are not competitive or where your 'opponent' is the game itself.

The 'moves' of a game are emergent from the rules, and the behaviour of other players is a function of winning conditions, and you can exercise Yomi with regard to these in any game which meets the conditions above.

The practice of Yomi requires knowledge of the 'moves in the game' and as each context has its own moves, a general purpose Yomi learning game seems a big ask.

Probably the most important thing that Yomi in learning games can give us, is the mindset that such anticipation is possible, given practice.”


Le-Fevre, S. (2022, May 05). Can we train yomi through learning games? Retrieved May 23, 2022, from https://ludogogy.co.uk/can-we-train-yomi-through-learning-games/