Fortnite and other games can teach you how to solve problems
Fortnite and other games can teach you how to solve problems
Fortnite and other games can teach you how to solve problems
By Karen "Kat" Schrier
July 8, 2021
A 2020 study by the Anti-Defamation League, an anti-hate organization, surveyed people who play online multiplayer games and found that 81% of players experienced harassment, but 95% of those surveyed also had positive experiences, like finding friends and mentors and feeling like part of a community.
The in-game goal is to kill the other players' characters, but these other tasks help players develop strategic thinking skills like managing limited resources.
There are different modes of play, like survival mode, where players need to maintain their health by finding resources, or creative mode, where players can modify the game to develop new items or activities within the game.
Players can design and clothe their own digital avatars, give items to other players and purchase upgrades for their homes.
During their election campaign, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris created their own islands in the game, which featured virtual versions of the political figures, and encouraged players to vote.
Ndemic Creations Some games even help players more directly solve civic problems.
Playing games like these helps people understand complex systems and how the intersection of dynamic factors can play out in a society.
Shrier, K. (2021, July 08). How Fortnite, Minecraft, and other games can teach you how to problem solve. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from