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PAX Unplugged: A Board Game Convention as an Educator

PAX Unplugged: A Board Game Convention as an Educator – 77

PAX Unplugged: A Board Game Convention as an Educator – 77

PAX Unplugged: A Board Game Convention as an Educator

By Dustin Staats

Originally Published Here


I connected with my fellow games-based learning colleague Dustin Staats from the Board Gaming with Education Podcast at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA earlier this December 2019. I helped Dustin navigate his first time attendance of this convention as his sage. Together, we embarked on this journey to get answers about attending a large board game convention like PAX Unplugged as educators. Dustin talked to me about my experiences going to conventions and together we navigated the ins and outs of attending the convention. Dustin also interviewed  several attendees including publishers, designers, panelists, and attendees.


Staats, D. (2019, December 18). PAX Unplugged: A Board Game Convention as an Educator - 77. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from https://www.boardgamingwitheducation.com/paxunplugged-2019/.