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Eng, D. (May, 2021) Table Top Games for the Virtual Learning Environment. https://youtu.be/4gfWu3stTAI. Presented at the Georgetown University Wargaming Society. Online.


Eng, D., Pariseault, N., Egan, J. (February, 2021) The Dark Side of Gamification. https://www.sententiagamification.com/jim-dave-naomi Presented at Gamicon 2021. Online.


Chantler, I., Loring-Albright, G., Eng., D., Shahriari, B., (January, 2021). Prototyping for Sustainability. (NONEPUB Winter Convention). Online. https://unpub.net/announcing-nonepub-winter-2021/

Le-Fevre, S., Eng D., Triantafyllakis, A., Cornetti, M. (November, 2020). Designing Games to Explore, Address and Take Action for Wicked Learning Problems. (Gamification Europe). Online. https://gamification-europe.com/2020-dave-eng/


De-Witt, A. & Eng., D. (November, 2020). What makes a Good Board / Card Game Rulebook? (Metatopia). Online. https://youtu.be/TC3iFcK0Has

Climate Change and Games Panel

Le-Fevre, S., Murugappan, L., Eng, D., De Sanctis, C., Burk, N., Bartels, V. I., Pearce, P., (October, 2020) Climate Change and Games Panel (Ludogogy). Online. https://youtu.be/Y-PxglPI4cY

Representation in Games

Eng, D., Creane. J., Ware. D., Serrato. J., Tran. T., (September, 2020). Representation in Games (PAX Online). Online. https://online.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/representation-in-games

On Using Games for Learning

Eng, D., Pariseault, N., Egan, J. (February, 2020) On Using Games for Learning https://east.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/on-using-games-for-learning Presented at the Penny Arcade Exposition (PAX). Boston

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Eng, D., Pariseault, N., Egan, J. (February, 2020) Dark Side of Gamification https://east.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/dark-side-of-gamification Presented at the Penny Arcade Exposition (PAX). Boston

Meaningful Choices

Eng, D. (January, 2020) Meaningful Choices https://gamesconf2020.commons.gc.cuny.edu/day-2/ Presented at the CUNY Games Conference 6.0. New York.


Eng, D. (November, 2019). The Nature of Games from the Table Top Professor https://www.dexposure.com/m2019special.html Presented at Metatopia the Game Design Festival. Morristown.

Leveled Up Learning PAX East 2019

Barlett, M., Eng, D. (March, 2019) Leveled Up Learning Presented at the Penny Arcade Exposition (PAX). Boston | Full Video: https://youtu.be/ksPmGnh5B9o


Eng, D., (February, 2019). Something is Better Than Nothing: A Daily Writing Plan for Getting Your Dissertation Done. Presented at the Practitioner Doctorate Network Collaborative Series

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Eng, D., (February, 2019). Championing the Campus Interview: Inside Tips for the Final Round Presented at the New York University Student Affairs Conference. New York.

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(October, 2018) National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) Region II Careers in Student Affairs Conference. New York.

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(July, 2018) Serious Play Conference . Manassas.

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Jacob, S., Eng, D., Bourke, B., Cebulski, A., Picard, D. (March, 2008). National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) National Conference. Philadelphia.

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Jacob, S., Eng, D., Picard, D. (March, 2018) Presented at the National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) National Conference. Philadelphia.

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(March, 2018) Presented at the National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) National Conference. Philadelphia.


(February, 2018) Spark: The Art and Science of Adult Learning – ASAE (The Center for Association Leadership) Webinar

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(July, 2017) Northeastern University College of Professional Studies Graduate School of Education Doctoral Residency Poster Session. Boston.


(June, 2017) NASPA Live Briefing Session. Webinar.

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(March, 2017) Penny Arcade Exposition (PAX). Boston.


(March, 2017) National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) National Conference. San Antonio.


(February, 2016) New York University Student Affairs Conference. New York.

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(June, 2016) National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) Region II Conference. New York.

(March, 2014) National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (NASPA) National Conference. Baltimore.