
Posts in gamification
What is Gamification?

This article will answer the question “what is gamification?” Examples of gamification and some applications of gamification will be provided. An examination of gamification is covered in order to determine that makes it successful. Finally, tips will be shared and discussed on how to use gamification successfully to achieve your goals while mitigating some of gamification’s shortcomings.

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Game-Based Learning vs Gamification

Both gamification and games-based learning have entered popular culture. That means there’s been debate and misunderstanding about what they are; what they’re used for; and what differentiates them. Some people want to use games-based learning when they mean gamification. Others want to use gamification when they should use games-based learning. Just what is the difference between games-based learning and gamification?

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Fired Up Fiero

Have you experienced that feeling of triumph before? The one you get from completing a really difficult level or beating an experienced opponent?  You know, when you throw your hands up over your head in triumph? That feeling is called fiero. Fiero is highly addictive and highly engaging. Often that feeling comes after we’ve become completely engrossed in the game. That’s called being a state of “flow.”

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Feedback Loops in Games Based Learning

Feedback is an important part of the learning process. Feedback is also really important for games to be engaging and fun. Feedback in education is based on providing the student with tangible information that they can use to improve their learning, knowledge grasp, or retention. Feedback in a game is provided to the player in order to viscerally show them the impact of their actions.. The two can be combined in order to both meet learners’ outcomes as well as provide some interesting and engaging feedback in a games-based learning environment.

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Fearful Fun

Gamification is supposed to be fun. That’s why businesses, organizations and individuals use it on a daily basis. Why else would someone play games? But what are the ethics of gamification? What stops one business or organization from doing something nefarious? Is there a limit to gamification? Should it be up to academics, the government, or individuals to police how gamification is used?

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Put Gamification in Higher Ed

Gamification, or putting game elements in non game settings, is a powerful tool. Higher education and student affairs can definitely benefit by practicing gamification.  This post will describe how professionals can use Gamification in three ways: to enhance the student experience, to brand your institution, and to connect students to other services and programs they may benefit from.

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